5 Simple Steps to Stay Healthy.

Rimsha Tehreem
4 min readFeb 19, 2021

“Life is not merely being alive, but being well.”

-Marcus Valerius Martialis

What is life? Have you ever questioned yourself about this?

Is it just being alive?

Off-course not! It is always more than that. Staying healthy not just by the body but also by the mind is equally crucial. But sometimes, taking care of oneself become a hectic task. Daily exercise, meditation, 8 hours of sleep, drinking plenty of water become burdensome for a simple person. It can spin your head.

But the rule of “Give and Take” is also paramount. If you want to live a healthy life, you have to spend time on it.

And who does not want to stay healthy? I am sure there would not be a single person who does not like to remain fit.

Today I will share some simple tips that will make an enormously positive change in your life.

Maintain a Good Company

Photo by Chang Duong on Unsplash

“When we have a circle of friends, we have more fun. We get more done, we feel stronger, and we really do celebrate the power of our US.”

Mary Anne Radmacher

Do you know that a good company improves your health?

Yes! It is true. A genuine social circle boosts your confidence. Good friends always help you in your difficult times. They will celebrate your success.

The people around us matter the most. Our social circle plays a significant role in our lives. The positive people around us give us a new aspect to live life. They always motivate us and bring joy to our lives. And they will also help you in reducing stress which will ultimately lead you to longevity.

So, surround yourself with good company. Live a pleasant and joyful life.

Eat Healthy Meals

Photo by Anna Pelzer on Unsplash

Do you know that eating healthy food will reduce the risk of early mortality?

Healthy food has an immense impact on our health. And on our mind too. Our mind plays a primary role in our body. And our mind works best when we give it nutritious food. Good food also reduces stress.

Whenever I feel depressed and angry, I always try to eat something like chocolate candy. It instantly refreshes my mind.

Try to eat food with high fiber (Vegetables, Pulses, fruits, beans) and include vitamins in your diet.

30 Minutes of Walk

Your 30 minutes can change your life. A daily walk will reduce the risk of heart attack and will improve eyesight.

You do not need to do a full-time heavy workout to stay fit and healthy. A walk of 30 minutes will help you in improving your health. It will also strengthen your bones and muscles. Wake up early in the morning and go for a walk. And if you can’t do it in the morning, make it happen in the evening but don’t miss it.

Drink 8 Glass of Water

“Thousands Have Lived Without Love, Not One Without Water.”


We have always heard that water is crucial for health. But why?

Our body forms almost 60% of water. And it helps in maintaining the temperature of our body. It helps in the digestion of food and also maximizes the physical performance of our body. Drinking eight glasses of water per day helps to fight off illness. It also brightens our skin.

Water has many advantages on our body. It plays a significant role in our healthy living.

So, must drink eight glass of water each day.

Eight Hours Sleep

There is a famous saying:

“Early to bed, early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise.”

Healthy sleep is as important as healthy eating and drinking. A fair amount of sleep plays a crucial role in living a healthy life.

Advantages of Better Sleep

  • People who sleep well tend to get less weight.
  • Good sleep improves the body’s productivity and the mind’s concentration.
  • Sleeping well reduces the risk of heart strokes.
  • A night of Better sleep also prevents depression.
  • Good sleep improves social interaction.


Taking care of mental health is as important as taking care of physical fitness. A healthy body needs a healthy mind. We can make a huge difference in our lives by following simple steps. Give yourself a small amount of time every single day. Read good books and live a healthy life.



Rimsha Tehreem

Greetings! My name is Rimsha Tehreem. I am a University Graduate. I am a graphic designer and content writer.